Our Family... at least for the moment.

As I sit here writing this tonight, I feel vulnerable.  And, while I don't typically like to wear my emotions on my sleeve, it is nice to be transparent at times.

Aidan's caseworker just left our home from a scheduled visit.  She is beyond happy with how wonderful he is doing.  He is developmentally on point, is extremely happy, and so well loved.  She calls me his mama.  Bella and Abbi she refers to as his sisters.  And Dave is clearly the best (and only) daddy this little boy has ever known.  We have been his stability from the time we got the phone call he needed a home when he was only 10 days old.

In foster care there are hundreds of "unknowns" that circle round and round.  Things change from visit to visit and, even more so, from court date to court date.  Some moments it looks likely that he will get to stay...with us...forever.  And others, like today, it seems as if the day of "goodbyes" could be right around the corner.

I want God's will in the life of my family.  I want God's will in the life of Aidan.  If that is for our sweet baby to be returned to his biological family, then God will give me grace for that moment.  If it is for him to be legally adopted into our family, then I will praise God for His goodness.  Either way, I choose to rejoice, even as I sit here with tears streaming down my face, because that's what I am commanded to do.

Ever since the birth of my beautiful twin nieces, we have been wanting to get "Howell" family pictures done.  The last set we had professionally taken was over 5 and a half years ago when Isabella was an infant, and we have added many grandchildren since then.

I struggled with how Aidan should fit into these new pictures.  He IS part of our family and has been for 5 months.  He has made an impact on each of us, and we all love him as if he was born into our home.  So, with the encouragement of my entire family, we decided to include him, and I'm so thankful we did.  Now, even if the day comes when he leaves, I have these beautiful pictures (thanks to our sweet friend Holly) to remember how captivated we are by him, and how much he adores us.

Today, I choose to cherish the moments I have with all three of MY children.  I can not worry about tomorrow, next month or next year.  It is my responsibility, today, to instill essential values into my littles.  To show them what it means to love, to serve, to worship and to trust.  It is my job to model forgiveness and demonstrate compassion.  I must put their needs above my own desires.  My daughters need to see what it looks like for a wife to love her husband, and my son needs to witness how a wife should respect her husband.

I may be the only example of a godly mother and wife that my little man ever sees, and I am committed to teaching him about Jesus while he is in our home.  I don't want to live with any regrets...

"Train up a child in the way (s)he should go: and when (s)he is old, (s)he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6


  1. I pray for peace and happiness for your family. Your have given your sweet boy such a wonderful gift and he has given you one as well. Enjoy each moment.

    1. Your words are such a blessing to me, thank you!


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