Let's Talk About Meat

Meat, it's one of the most expensive grocery items on our weekly list. Especially when, for health benefits, our family eats grass fed all natural meats. The average beef prices at Wegman's range anywhere from $2.39 (NON organic 80% ground beef) a pound to $19.99 (NON organic tenderloin steaks) a pound. Chicken, on average, ranges between $.99 (NON organic bone-in thigh) a pound to $5.99 (NON organic cutlet) a pound. The same is true with pork, turkey, veal, etc. The price of meat, per pound, varies drastically but is always a high number in every grocery bill. In order to help cut back our meat costs we have started buying animals whole instead of by individual cuts. This past year we went in with my family on buying an Angus cow. We have kind farmer friends who; bought our cow (which we named Beauford) at auction, raised him for a year, and sent our " beefy bovine" (in the words of my brother-in-law) to the butcher. While it did...