Oh the "sweetness" of Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving! A time to reflect on God's many blessings. An opportunity to spend time with family and friends without the commercialized notion of gift giving. A day to gorge on delicious homemade foods and wear stretchy pants. We host Thanksgiving at our home and have; my husbands family, my family and my brother-in-law's family all under one roof. It is truly our favorite holiday! Yet, among the many sweet goods that will be coming through my door this afternoon, I still need to remember that making healthy choices is a lifestyle I'm committed to each and every day. The horrible-no-good-always-dreaded topic of weight loss seems appropriate today, right? Well, maybe not, but i t was still fun to guest blog for my sister, Becky Hilton who is a fitness coach and the creator of Fitness Grapevine, about something I haven't talked much about this past year - especially in light of Thanksgiving and all the yummy holiday foods (in...