The Update....

Thank you, all, for the overwhelming number of messages, phone calls, and personal followups regarding Aidan and his current status of adoption. I have tried to write this post on several different occasions, but the words would not come. There is so much I would love to share and yet there are only a few things I can legally disclose. But, an update you certainly deserve. Aidan has now been in our home, our family and our hearts for more than 18 months. (If you are new to our journey you can catch up on this story by reading Aidan, our baby boy. - Our Family... at least for the moment. - January 13th. What's the significance? - and When you want to kick and scream. ) When it comes to the NYS Foster Care System - a child who has been in state custody for 15 out of 22 months is brought before a judge to be released (or at least considered) for adoption. This is where we are at. It's where w...