Extreme Couponing Resources

Several weeks ago I attended a class on Extreme Couponing hosted and taught by wonderful friends, Jeremy and Bethany Hoffman . Jeremy has been couponing for approximately 1 year and has saved his family thousands of dollars! I have been asked by many people to pass along the information I had learned. This is a list, that was complied by Jeremy, of the top money saving resources. If you have specific questions, please let me know. I love to share information, hear about your experiences, and continue to find ways of saving money! My personal goal is to lower each grocery bill by 50%. One day I will master the art and get items for free, but that doesn't generally happen for me...YET. Useful websites for coupon to store sale matchups. * couponmom.com * mymommataughtme.com * extremecouponingmommy. blogspot.com * wnydealsandtodos.com * totallytarget.com *...