Allergies. What's the big deal?

Growing up I don't remember hearing an awful lot about allergies. I assumed it meant someone sneezed alot when ragweed was in season. I never understood why it was such a big deal. That is, until Abigail, our second born, completely changed my opinion. We did what every parent does when they are first giving foods to an infant. We introduced things one at a time, waited several days to see if it bothered their systems, and then introduced a new food a few days later. Isabella, our first born, was a champ! She ate everything (and I mean everything) with no issue, until constipation became a problem. Bella would go days and days pushing with all her might to "go" without success. As she got older, she started to refuse milk. That's when it became apparent. Bella had a dairy sensitivity. Once we figured out the problem, and switched her to nondairy milk and foods, her constipation was no longer an issue. After our ex...