Their "trash" may be your "treasure".

Since moving to Rochester in 1997 and, more specifically, since the opening of Savers in our area a few years ago, I've heard my mom remark several times about how she wished they had thrift stores around when my sisters and I were children. Thrift stores and garage sales are one of my favorite shopping stops. Whenever we need clothes and shoes, birthday and Christmas gifts, household appliances, books, you name whatever else, you better believe we hit our "used items" stores before even considering buying something full price. In just this past year we've gotten; clothes for Bella, a massive My Little Pony collection, a doll house and stables complete with accessories, a Little Tykes grill and hutch, a bigger bicycle for Bella, shoes and clothes for myself, costumes for our Halloween party, and the list goes on and on. The best part is, we never paid more than $5.00 for any one item and saved ourselves hundreds! For those of you who are uncomfortable...