Is your house ALWAYS that clean?

Recently I've been asked, by several different people, to write a post about how I organize and keep my house clean. I am often asked the question, "Does your house always look like this?" and the simple answer is...yes. From my small bedroom at my parents' home, to my dorm room in college right up through the four homes Dave and I have lived in since we've been married, keeping my home clean and belongings organized has always been a high priority. Whether I was a; student, working wife, working mom, and now as a stay at home mom, our home has always been orderly. For those of you who know my parents this comes as no surprise to you. I am, indeed, a product of how they raised me and my sisters! The fist thing, in my non-professional opinion, is to get organized. Organization is the key to keeping your house clean. Everything should have it's own place and everyone in your home should know where things belong. Use; baskets, bins, totes, ...