Free?!?! (Ephesians 2:8)

I don't know of anyone who doesn't stop and look twice when you see a "free" sign on the side of the road next to furniture, when a friend offers you free food, when you win a free shopping spree, when you can fill up your gas tank for free, etc. F.R.E.E. is probably one of our most favorite words! Free means we don't have to spend a penny and we owe nothing. So, why is it so difficult for us to open our hearts and accept God's free gift? Jesus, God's only son who is fully supernatural and yet completely human. Jesus, who knew before even being born, as an innocent baby, into this world the unimaginable suffering he would endure. Jesus, the boy who never disobeyed his parents and loved unconditionally. Jesus, the teenager who wanted to spend his time in the Temple reading, learning, memorizing and gleaning from the Scriptures and Jewish teachers. Jesus, the man who resisted Satan, healed his neighbors and taught us how to spen...