A note to my husband...

Babe - Today is your 33rd birthday. I remember when we were first talking, right before we "officially" started dating, and you had just celebrated your 18th birthday. It's amazing how quickly 15 years goes by... I want to thank you for the incredible person you are. You lead our family, and do it selflessly. You love our children unconditionally and, to them, you are a hero. You are my biggest supporter, while helping to make sure I don't get in over my head. You are an amazing son and brother, son-in-law and brother-in-law. Your nieces giggle at you. Your friends appreciate you. Your co-workers respect you. You have an ability to lead complete strangers into worship when you sit behind the drums. God has used and is using you to touch the lives of so many people! I love how motivated, passionate and driven you are while still kindly dealing with others feelings. My heart skips a beat when you send me random ...