
Showing posts from August 16, 2016

Letting go of my control: Inside the mind of an allergy mom.

Hi there - it's me.... again - the always-nervous-and-slightly-hysterical allergy mom. (If you're new to my blog you can catch up  here .) I am a stay at home mom.  I love being a stay at home mom.  Having all my littles around brings a joy to my heart that is indescribable  I like that they're young - that I can be part of shaping who they are, encourage them in good friendships, help them make the best choices - that I have some control over their environment and surroundings.  Then, they leave for school. Side note :  I've been asked many times. especially since I have a degree in elementary and special education, why we have chosen not to home school.  Dave and I feel God has called us to send our kids to public schools where we, as a family, can make a difference in the lives of the people there that we meet. It was challenging enough (in 2014) when I had to say "goodbye" to Isabella, our sweet and sensitive oldest daughter, and watc...