"...Use the gift(s) that God has given you to serve others." 1 Peter 4:10

I usually write about how to save, save and save some more. How to save money on groceries and gifts, how to save time by making lists and staying organized, however...tonight I want to talk about something entirely different. As I sit here, next to my husband with our girlies tucked sweetly into their beds, watching the Bills play tonights "Hall of Fame" game, I can not help but feel overwhelmed by joy. The joy of GIVING! For several weeks I've felt the desire to write about stewardship. God confirmed this idea in a conversation I had with my dad, over coffee at Burger King this past Friday, about the passage in 1 Chronicles 29 where King David says that all (yes, ALL) we have comes from the Lord, and should be given back to Him. There are two aspects of this that have had an amazing impact on our family that I am compelled to share with you. The first is giving with our finances. It was a mind opening experience when Dave and I fi...