What Christmas Means to Me.

I've been asked, by several people, about the resources we use in our home during the month of December to prepare for Christmas Day. While it's true that our kiddos believe in Santa Clause and the magic he brings, they also know that Christmas is not about a jolly man in a bright red suit. While stockings, Christmas trees, lights and presents are fun, our littles understand that the first Christmas morning was in a humble stable full of (smelly) animals and exhausted travelers. Here is what Christmas means to me... I desire for our children to know the truth about Christmas. Details like: An old man and his aging wife suddenly pregnant with the boy who would prepare people for the coming of Jesus. A young woman, yet to be married, joyfully accepting God's call of becoming the mother of Christ. A noble man willing to care for God's son, here on earth, as his own. A group of magi in search of worshiping The Savior. A horrible kin...