That's my meal plan, and I'm sticking to it!

Dave and I were married my senior year in college when I was 21 and he was 22. We wouldn't think twice about spending money at a restaurant or on other recreational things, and we certainly did not pay much attention to our grocery shopping habits. In time we began to seriously budget the money we were bringing into our household by only allowing ourselves to spend certain amounts each month on eating out and entertainment. We held ourselves and each other accountable to this budget by carefully choosing what to do and when to do it each month. This is around the time we got into playing, and loving, World of Warcraft. It's a budget friendly way of spending time with each other while socializing with others...even if it is a virtual world. As we began to work towards saving money each month, I would still find myself at the grocery store daily. It was so easy to simply stop by Wegmans on my way home from work and pick up ingredients for dinner. ...