Let your light shine before others.

Yesterday, while waiting for the bus, Isabella and I were talking about what music the bus driver lets them listen to. She often comes home singing the most recent pop songs complete with dance moves. This is the conversation my 6 year old and I had on our front porch as I sipped on my no-longer-hot coffee. "Mom, do you know Shake of Off by Taylor Swift?" Of course I know it, I'm pretty sure everyone does. She continued... "You know that part where it says 'and to the fella over there with the hella good hair'? Well, I just say "good hair" because hella is a bad word, I don't want to say bad words." We began to talk more about hell and that it isn't so much a bad word, but that it is a real place. A place that we should not joke about. A place that's terrifying where Satan reigns. And then, she surprised me again. "Satan used to be an angel and live in heaven with God, until he wanted to ...