The Courtroom and The Judge

The courtroom... It's a terrifying and humbling place. A venue where integrity is valued, honesty is required, and ugly truths are revealed. An area filled with attorneys, caseworkers, law gaurdians, and bailiffs. A room where we have found ourselves often these past months in our efforts to adopt Aidan. We sit in the back left, as spectators facing the judge, listening to every side of the case - praying earnestly that we will be granted the right to make our son a permanent member of this family. Within it's four walls we smile as lawyers talk about how Aidan is flourishing in our home, and we cry for the breaking hearts of his biological family. The courtroom. It is still an important part of our future. Our journey there has not yet come to an end. The judge... He's the ultimate authority and deserves absolute respect. His purpose is to evaluate the evidence and offer protection. His decisions impact the lives of many peop...