Isabella and her servant heart.

From the time I found out I was going to be a mom, I began praying fervently for two things... 1.) That my child(ren) would come to know, love and accept Christ at a young age. 2.) That my child(ren) would have a servant heart like Jesus. I grew up in a home where my parents showed my sisters and me what it is like to love God by serving. They serve together in my childhood home as husband/wife and parents. They both serve in church ministry. They serve other people by; opening up their home for counseling, providing meals for families when they are going through an overwhelming life change, speaking words of encouragement during difficult times, supporting their children and grandchildren unconditionally, and the list goes on... We are products of who are parents are. I had the best role models and now I want my children to see ME serving. I want to teach them what it means to serve your family inside the home, to volunteer your time and resources a...