Reflections of Abigail's heart.

As I had mentioned in a previous post ; from the time I found out I was going to be a mom, I began praying that my children would come to know, love and accept Christ. As a Christian parent, I realize that teaching Jesus in my home is the most important thing I should be doing. I try to be intentional and find ways of bringing Biblical truths into our everyday lives. There are several things we've taught to our kids and are constantly reinforcing... * Sin is anything we say, do or think that makes God sad. * We are all sinners. * Sin separates us from God. * Jesus is perfect. He is the only person who has never sinned. * Jesus choose to sacrifice Himself because He loves you. * The only way to someday be with God in heaven is through Jesus. On January 21, 2014, on our way home from a Good News Club I had just finished teaching at a local elementary school, Isabella began asking her own questions about God and Jesus. You could sense the Spirit work...