Getting the most out of Target. Manufacture coupons + store coupons + apps + rebates = savings!

I never did a lot of shopping at Target, mostly because I find their things are more expensive than I'm willing to pay.  However, that's not always true.

Target does run their own sales, deals and clearance items.  And, occasionally, you can find some wonderful items for an amazing price.  When that's the case, I walk out feeling accomplished without having used a coupon, app or rebate.  For the most part, though, you will often pay full price.  Especially when you're looking for something specific.  Here is how to help save yourself some money even when you find yourself buying non-sale items.

  •  Manufacture Coupons - you can find them in Sunday papers as well as online.  Occasionally the coupons in the paper are not always available on a website, and the paper typically offers a higher face-value than the ones you print off the internet.  Manufacture coupons are wonderful since you can use them at any store, and occasionally (if it does not say "limit one coupon per purchase") you can stack them in a single transaction.  Also, don't hesitate to use these on trial or travel size purchases, unless the coupon specifically says that it is prohibited, to get free items!
  •  Target Coupons - are often in the weekly ad, or you can have them text alerts directly to your phone.  The great thing about store coupons is you can use them with manufacture coupons.   
  • Cartwheel - an online resource that allows you to save 5% - 30% on items.  You can use this two ways.  If you have a smartphone download the free app and the cashier can scan the coupon codes directly.  If you do not have a smartphone you can print the barcodes from your computer and take it into the store with you.  What I love about cartwheel is you can use a deal up to four times.  So, if you love Dial body wash and they are running 30% off on Cartwheel, stock up and apply the discount on all four bottles.  Any deals you find on cartwheel can also be combined with manufacture and target coupons.  
  • Ibotta - is quickly becoming my favorite money saving app!  This is not a coupon app, but instead offers rebates.  It is truly easy to use and can be used on items at Target.  (I also use it at Wegmans every week.)  Again, this can be combined with manufacture coupons, Target coupons and Cartwheel deals.  
So, what's the best method on using all 4 tools?  Well, I think it's different for each person since what works for me may not work for someone else.  However, I personally start by looking at current Target deals and from there check to see how I can apply coupons, apps and rebates to those prices.  It's unlikely that all four of these resources can be used on any one item, but it's a fun challenge to see if you can apply at least three!  My general rule is to get an item at 50% less than the asking price before I'll even consider buying it. 

I'm usually happy when...
  1. I find a sale that also has a manufacture coupon and/or store coupon which I can immediately apply.  (This is true in Tops and Wegmans too.  If it's on Shoppers Club and I have a manufacture coupon, I will consider buying it.)
  2. A store coupon and manufacture coupon can be used together.
  3. A manufacture and/or store coupon can be combined with percentages off at Cartwheel.
  4. Ibotta offers a rebate for anything I'm already planning to buy.  
It's certainly not a science, but I enjoy the process of finding the best possible deal.


  1. Yes! Thank you! I currently don't have a smartphone, didn't know I could still do those deals.

  2. OK... just used printed manufacturing coupons, Cartwheel & Ibotta! Whew! More experimental than anything else... but saved 35% ... and will get a $1 rebate from Ibotta (I hope)! Loved using the Smart Phone apps. HATE searching/printing on-line manufacturing coupons! Fun stuff though! (Oh yeah... in my excitement to using the Cartwheel app, I double-checked to make sure I had my iPhone... but realized after getting to Target that I forgot my envelope with the coupons! Oops!)


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