Is your house ALWAYS that clean?

Recently I've been asked, by several different people, to write a post about how I organize and keep my house clean.  I am often asked the question, "Does your house always look like this?" and the simple answer is...yes.  From my small bedroom at my parents' home, to my dorm room in college right up through the four homes Dave and I have lived in since we've been married, keeping my home clean and belongings organized has always been a high priority.  Whether I was a; student, working wife, working mom, and now as a stay at home mom, our home has always been orderly.  For those of you who know my parents this comes as no surprise to you.  I am, indeed, a product of how they raised me and my sisters!

The fist thing, in my non-professional opinion, is to get organized.  Organization is the key to keeping your house clean.  Everything should have it's own place and everyone in your home should know where things belong.  Use; baskets, bins, totes, bags, etc to keep your belongings orderly.  Even a child's playroom can be tightly organized and, like my girlies, your children can know exactly where everything belongs.  I use pictures on some of our toy bins (since the girls can't read yet) so that they, and their friends, know exactly where to put things when cleaning up.  I use wicker baskets in my linen closets to hold; hair accessories, medicines, first aid necessitates, towels, sheets, etc.  Everything has a specific place in our home and everyone knows where to both find and place items when they're done using them.  Organize, organize, organize.  :-)

As far as actual cleaning goes...

  1. The following things I do each and every day.
    • Make our bed first thing in the morning.  The girls are in charge of making their own as well.
    • Keep the sink and counters clear and free.  If dishes need to be done, do them.  If crumbs need to be wiped up, wipe them.  Put food away in the cupboards and refrigerator as soon as you are done eating.  We all help at dinner time to get everything cleaned up.  The girls set and clear the table, Dave does dishes, and I clean up the table and floor.  Team work is essential in our family.
    • Vacuum (using my cordless) and mop each time the floors get messy.  This is especially true after most meals.  While it may sound like a lot of effort it only takes a few seconds of my time.
    • The girls know they're only allowed to play with 1 thing (such as; My Little Pony village, kitchen, doll house, store, coloring, legos, etc) at a time.  It is their responsibility to put their toy(s) away before getting something new out.  If they decide, for any reason, they don't feel like cleaning up their toys then they go into a "donate box" for little girls/boys who will take care of them.  This may sound harsh, but it teaches them responsibility while keeping the house clutter free.  We started teaching them to clean up their own things from the time they were able to hold toys.  As infants and toddlers we tried our best to make the time fun by working together and singing songs.  It's never too early to instill into your children the values you want them to have.
    • Laundry is not necessarily a daily chore, but I do throw at least one load into the washer every other day.  By washing, drying, and folding a load or two every few days the task itself stays manageable and less daunting.  The girls are also in charge of helping with laundry by folding and putting their own clothes away.  
    • Before we sit down as a family to watch a bedtime show, the entire house looks as good as it did that morning.  Every toy is put away, the counters and floors are clean, laundry is done, etc.
  2. The following things I do once a week.
    • A thorough cleaning of the bathrooms; toilets scrubbed, sinks cleaned, mirrors Windexed, showers sprayed down, floors vacuumed and mopped. 
    • The whole house; dusted, vacuumed and mopped.  Again, the girls help with this.  We put the radio on and dance around the house while cleaning, it's fun!
  3. The following things I do once a month, or as needed.
    • Vacuum the basement and sweep the garage.  (I do vacuum the garage several times a year too when it gets too dusty.)


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