Let your light shine before others.

Yesterday, while waiting for the bus, Isabella and I were talking about what music the bus driver lets them listen to.  She often comes home singing the most recent pop songs complete with dance moves.

This is the conversation my 6 year old and I had on our front porch as I sipped on my no-longer-hot coffee.

"Mom, do you know Shake of Off by Taylor Swift?"  

Of course I know it, I'm pretty sure everyone does. 

 She continued... 

"You know that part where it says 'and to the fella over there with the hella good hair'?  Well, I just say "good hair" because hella is a bad word, I don't want to say bad words." 

We began to talk more about hell and that it isn't so much a bad word, but that it is a real place.  A place that we should not joke about.  A place that's terrifying where Satan reigns.   And then, she surprised me again.

"Satan used to be an angel and live in heaven with God, until he wanted to be God.  But, nobody can be God.  So He kicked Satan out of heaven with the other angels that were being mean.  That's when God created hell.  He made it for Satan.  And that's why Jesus died on the cross.  We have to have Jesus in our hearts so that we can go to Heaven with God and not hell with Satan."

Wow, just wow!

Then, later that afternoon, I had a different spiritual conversation with Abigail.  We were heading to Bella's school parade when, from the back seat, she asked me a question.

"Mama, did you know that God and Jesus are the same person?"

Why yes, yes I did.

"And, did you know that Cinderella and Aurora are sisters?"

Well, no, I don't believe that is true.

"It is mom, it really is.  Just like Jesus is God's Son, Cinderella and Aurora are family too."

While I don't understand the connection between God, Jesus, Cinderella and Aurora, I do appreciate how, in my 4 year old's head, they are all important people worth discussing!

Most days I feel overwhelmed with the reality of running a home and juggling our busy schedules.  I fear that I'm not effectively teaching my children the truths about Jesus.  I'm thankful for this glimpse into my girls minds (and hearts) that act as a reminder that, if my children learn nothing else from me, at least they do understand our need for a Savior.  

As we prepare to go out this evening trick-or-treating as a family, it is my goal that we are a light for Jesus.  Just as the small candle inside our newly made jack-o-lantern lights up the dark room, we have the ability to light up this world.  

...let your light shire before others, 
that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16


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