Reflections of Abigail's heart.

As I had mentioned in a previous post; from the time I found out I was going to be a mom, I began praying that my children would come to know, love and accept Christ.  As a Christian parent, I realize that teaching Jesus in my home is the most important thing I should be doing.  I try to be intentional and find ways of bringing Biblical truths into our everyday lives.

There are several things we've taught to our kids and are constantly reinforcing...

* Sin is anything we say, do or think that makes God sad.
* We are all sinners.
* Sin separates us from God.
* Jesus is perfect.  He is the only person who has never sinned.
* Jesus choose to sacrifice Himself because He loves you.
* The only way to someday be with God in heaven is through Jesus.

On January 21, 2014, on our way home from a Good News Club I had just finished teaching at a local elementary school, Isabella began asking her own questions about God and Jesus.  You could sense the Spirit working in her heart.  Right then and there, in the car while I was driving, she sweetly and tenderly told God she was not perfect and asked Jesus to forgive her.  At the time, Bella was only 4.5 years old, yet she understood the truth so clearly.

In the years that have followed, we've continued to nurture Bella's faith while praying for Abigail (and now Aidan) to also accept Jesus' gift of salvation.  I never wanted to push my children into making this decision, it's between them and God.

My heart was overwhelmed with joy when, on December 4th of this year (2015) while sitting on Isabella's bed reading the story of Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem, our spunky 4 year old, Abigail, leaned over and said "I want to pray."  In her prayer she asked God to forgive her and thanked Jesus for dying.  It was humbling to watch this determined, strong willed, passionate daughter of ours pour her heart out to God.

The next morning, we woke up early and celebrated!  We baked and decorated cupcakes and rejoiced with the angels for our Abbi.  And we will continue to guide her in this growing relationship with Christ.
What an incredible blessing this Christmas to know that both of my girls understand the gift Jesus' sacrifice (of being separated from God to be born human, living a perfect and sinless life, being brutally beaten and hung on a cross to die, and overcoming the grave to ascend into Heaven) is to each of us!

To my beautiful Isabella, may your spirit always be sweet and sensitive and may you continue to shine for everyone around you to see.

To my precious Abigail, allow God to use your spunky and fun personality for His pleasure and for the joy of every life you touch.

To my sweet Aidan, I continue to pray that you will grow up learning about Jesus and (eventually) loving Him, for yourself,.

I love you, all of you, and know God has remarkable plans for your future. 
...Truly I tell you,
unless you change and become like little children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child
is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:3-4


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