The Update....

Thank you, all, for the overwhelming number of messages, phone calls, and personal followups regarding Aidan and his current status of adoption. 

I have tried to write this post on several different occasions, but the words would not come.  There is so much I would love to share and yet there are only a few things I can legally disclose.  But, an update you certainly deserve.

Aidan has now been in our home, our family and our hearts for more than 18 months.  (If you are new to our journey you can catch up on this story by reading Aidan, our baby boy. -  Our Family... at least for the moment. - January 13th. What's the significance? - and When you want to kick and scream.)  When it comes to the NYS Foster Care System - a child who has been in state custody for 15 out of 22 months is brought before a judge to be released (or at least considered) for adoption.

This is where we are at.  It's where we have been for almost 6 months.  Dave and I have spent our summer in courtrooms and meetings  There are several reasons, all of which depend on the circumstances of each individual case, that can delay this process.  

I thought I was ready.  I thought I was prepared.  But, as I see the hurt and feel the sadness in the court room... I find my heart breaking and my very soul crying out to God - not for my needs or my desires - but for that of Aidan's biological family.  Because, if I feel terrified over the very thought of losing him, I can only imagine the torment his biological dad and mom must also be enduring.  

September 7th is our next big day in court.  It's the day we will be moving forward - how that may look we don't yet know.  But, we do know that God is in control, that He has always been in control, and that His love will not fail us.  

If I could ask one thing it would be for you to join us in praying!  Pray for...

1.) Wisdom and discernment.  I don't envy the judge, lawyers or caseworkers.  What they do and the decisions they are forced to make are emotional and challenging.  
James 3:!7
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; 
then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, 
full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

2.) Peace.  Aidan's biological family is hurting.  They need to feel God's love, they need to sense God's grace and they need to experience God's peace.  
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

3.) Compassion.  May our family have the heart of Jesus.  Hearts that are full of kindness and obedience and forgiveness - hearts that shine of a love far greater than what we are humanly capable of.
Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, 
forgiving each other, 
just as in Christ God forgave you.

We are so thankful for the gift this sweet boy is to our family and look forward to seeing how God is going to work miraculously in his life!



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