The Courtroom and The Judge

The courtroom... 

It's a terrifying and humbling place.  A venue where integrity is valued, honesty is required, and ugly truths are revealed.  An area filled with attorneys, caseworkers, law gaurdians, and bailiffs.  A room where we have found ourselves often these past months in our efforts to adopt Aidan.

We sit in the back left, as spectators facing the judge, listening to every side of the case - praying earnestly that we will be granted the right to make our son a permanent member of this family.

Within it's four walls we smile as lawyers talk about how Aidan is flourishing in our home, and we cry for the breaking hearts of his biological family.

The courtroom.  It is still an important part of our future.  Our journey there has not yet come to an end.

The judge...

He's the ultimate authority and deserves absolute respect.  His purpose is to evaluate the evidence and offer protection.

His decisions impact the lives of many people.  For some, he brings joy.  For others, he brings despair.  From us, he asks for time and patience.

He speaks words of truth - often laced with kindness - while making difficult decisions, and even finds ways to extend mercy.

The judge.  I don't envy the position he is in.

As I sat there yesterday, I couldn't help but compare my experiences with what it will one day be like to stand before God Himself - the ultimate judge - in the courtroom of eternity.

Satan - the prosecuting attorney - demanding justice and pleading with God to send me to hell.  Pressing Him to make me pay for my own terrible and ugly sins.

Jesus - the defense attorney - offering hope, reminding Satan that, because of God's grace and my personal faith in what happened on the cross, my sins have already been paid in full.

God - the judge - sitting at the bench, ruling out of love and mercy (even though I don't deserve it) and granting me a home in His Kingdom.

To all who believed him 
and accepted him
He gave the right to become 
children of God.
1 John 1:12

For some reason, our time in the courtroom continues, and I ask that God uses our family "for His great glory and for our great pleasure" (David Whiting) in the months to come.  I'm desperate, despite my own frustration, to be more like Jesus.  To offer kindness and love.  To show mercy and grace.  To extend gentleness and affection.

I desire to be an encouragement to the attorneys and bailiffs, the caseworkers and law gaurdians, the biological family and judge.

Be kind to one another, 
forgiving one another, 
as God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32

Pray with us.  Pray for us.  And, as always, thank you for your incredible support and for following us on our adoption journey.


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