Oh the "sweetness" of Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving!  A time to reflect on God's many blessings.  An opportunity to spend time with family and friends without the commercialized notion of gift giving.  A day to gorge on delicious homemade foods and wear stretchy pants. 

We host Thanksgiving at our home and have; my husbands family, my family and my brother-in-law's family all under one roof.  It is truly our favorite holiday!  Yet, among the many sweet goods that will be coming through my door this afternoon, I still need to remember that making healthy choices is a lifestyle I'm committed to each and every day.

The horrible-no-good-always-dreaded topic of weight loss seems appropriate today, right? Well, maybe not, but it was still fun to guest blog for my sister, Becky Hilton who is a fitness coach and the creator of Fitness Grapevine, about something I haven't talked much about this past year - especially in light of Thanksgiving and all the yummy holiday foods (in the form of way too many sweet calories) we're about to consume.

Check out the Fitness Grapevine blog to read how I lost 7 lbs in 90 days by simply monitoring and limiting (not cutting out) sugar from my daily diet.

And, as always, have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebrating with the ones you love.  

Do you not know that your bodies 
are temples of the Holy Spirit... 
You are not your own; 
you were bought at a price.  
Therefore honor God with your bodies. 
1 Corinthians 6:19a-20


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