Love your farming neighbors!

We're coming up on my favorite time of year: farm stand and farmers market season!! I grew up in a neighborhood with farm stands. A few times a week, we would stop in and buy our fresh fruits and vegetables. I remember buying ears of corn that had been picked so recently, they were still warm from the sun. We moved into a new area a few months ago and I've already started asking the locals where the best farm markets and stands are. I just can't wait for the growing season to get here!!

In my experience, the locally grown fare I can get in the summer, costs a fraction of what I pay for the less appealing grocery store produce, that's available in the winter.

Every year, I try to come up with ways to make the savings and quality of local produce last through the winter months. One of the ways I do that is by stocking my freezer with soup. Homemade soup is a great, easy way to eat your veggies during the winter. I freeze some larger portions, for family dinners, and also freeze some in ice cube trays and then pop them into a freezer bag. That way, I have small portions to use for lunches. Having these soups in the freezer also comes in handy when you want to provide a meal for someone. Pair it with a batch of this easy artisan bread and you have the perfect comfort food!

These are a few of my favorite soup recipes:
Butternut Squash Soup
Roasted Tomato and Garlic Soup

I'm very excited to be contributing to Far Above Rubies! Cassie and I have been friends since before I was a wife and before either of us were moms. I've always admired her devotion to God and family. And I truly treasure our friendship. I hope the things we share here will be helpful and encouraging!


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