The miracle of Wunderlist.

I love walking into a grocery store with no real idea of what I'm buying and just let the shelves "speak" to me.  There is something fun about deciding what you want to buy for the week as you're walking down isles, looking at items, and determining whether or not that's a food you would like to incorporate into your weekly menu.  It's also a great way to make your grocery bill extremely more than it should be.  Of course, this relaxed grocery shopping experience was before I had children sitting in the cart or walking down the isles.

If you want to save yourself both time and money make a weekly grocery list and only step foot in a grocery store one time each week.  When you go to the store do not stray from that list no matter how badly you want that candy bar on the end cap, or those cookies on sale.  It takes discipline and self-control, but it will keep you from overspending and exceeding on your budget.  This also helps keep you from buying those delicious tasting yet horrible for you foods that only add to your waist line while increasing your blood pressure and cholesterol.  

I use Wunderlist since it's easy to access from any device.  I can add things and delete items from my computer or phone.  It travels with me and is user friendly.

Make a meal plan (see previous post) and base your grocery list around what's on sale and/or what you have coupons for and suddenly, you're saving oodles!  


  1. Cassie & Sara... keep this blog going! Wonderful ideas that I am picking and choosing from... my next challenge will to be to use some of the Smart Phone apps. Geeky things appeal to me! Any recommendations on the size of a freezer to buy if we decide to buy one? At least for now, I don't see us using it for vegetables... but certainly for meats and other frozen food items.


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