Happy 6 Month Birthday, Aidan.

This is birthday week for our family!  My mom will celebrate her birthday on Wednesday the 15th, Bella on Friday the 17th, my dad on Saturday the 18th and my birthday is Sunday the 19th.  It's like running a marathon!  This year, however, on Monday the 13th, we get to add Aidan's 6 month birthday to the list.

Aidan is a complete blessing to our family.  Each time I think of how my grandpa left this world on January 13th, I rejoice that Aidan joined it that same day.  He has helped me heal through the grieving process of losing both my grandfathers in less than 1 year.  He is my own little miracle.

Our sweet boy has been with us for 170 days.  In the world of foster care, when we're never sure how long he'll stay with us, we celebrate every milestone.

He looks at us with such love and we cherish his precious smile!  He is happy, healthy and 100% part of this family.  I can't imagine what life would look like without him in it.

Happy 6 month birthday, Aidan.  Oh how we love you!!

"Children are a heritage from the Lord..."
Psalm 127:3a


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