Changing Seasons

It's no secret that autumn is my favorite season.  There is something uniquely beautiful about fall.  I love the splashes of color, the cool breeze, and the sound of little critters preparing their homes for winter.  I love watching my children get bundled up in warm clothes to chase the falling leaves.

I love turning on our living room fireplace and cuddling up with my husband under a blanket.  And, of course, I love all things apple, especially when it means I have help from my favorite little chefs.

I love picking pumpkins and giving them silly faces.

I love frosting cookies, playing in leaves, painting, decorating our front door, and making many other fun harvest crafts.

I love our Friday Family Fun Nights where we play games, make homemade pizza and watch funny movies in the warmth of our home.

I love that autumn means our anniversary (married 11 years this November) is right around the corner!

But, mostly, I love all the reminders of God's incredible goodness!  The simple fact that I have children to make memories with after struggling to get pregnant, and a husband to cherish after his battle with cancer, is proof of God's grace!

Life is like the changing seasons.  Just as the leaves are falling from the trees and becoming one with the ground, one day, I will also be gone.  When that day comes, and I get to enter eternity with Jesus, I want to die knowing I lived life to its fullest without leaving behind regrets.

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens...
Ecclesiastes 3:1


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