ThanksGETTING or ThanksGIVING?

I was shocked this week when I read about Thanksgiving being turned into Thanksgetting!  How can this holiday, that is not about gifts, be turned completely upside down?  How has a day of cherishing those we love become a day of getting the material things we want?  Are we really that selfish?

The answer, which I suppose shouldn't be too shocking, is yes!  Society, the media, retail businesses... they're all telling us we don't have enough.  They're encouraging us to spend more, to receive more, to acquire more.  And we are listening to their urging.  We're giving into those impulses.

So, instead of making shopping lists, I sat down with our girls and we made thankful lists.

Abigail's List
Rice & Gravy
Isabella's List
Mommy and Daddy
Aunt Nellie and Uncle Matt
Aunt Alisha
Aunt Becky, Uncle Mark, Eve and Vera
Abbi and Aidan
Papa, Nana, Poppie and Mimi

And I'm thankful for...
1. A God who saves and a country I can freely worship Him in.
2. My husband and the gift of all three of our children.
3. Our family and friends who are always a phone call (or text message) away.
4. A church committed to making more and better followers of Christ.
5. My husband's job which provides for our family's physical needs (a warm home, food, clean water, clothes, etc) as well as giving us the flexibility in our finances to bless those in need with the things they themselves are unable to provide.  Giving the greatest gift to those with the greatest need.

As I celebrate today, surrounded by our family and friends, I am committed to having a heart full of gratitude and an attitude of thankfulness.  And, as we begin to prepare for Christmas tomorrow (it's our family tradition to decorate the house each Friday after thanksgiving) I want to go into this years holiday season with contentedness in Christ and a spirit of giving!

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, 
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, 
to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17


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