Our (Almost) Happily Ever After.

In the fall of 2015 I was asked by Becky Bennett, creator of To Choose Joy, if I would be a guest blogger on marriage.  This is an opportunity I've been very excited about and am happy to share this post with you, my faithful readers!

Our (Almost) Happily Ever After.
by: Cassie Wilson 

I grew up admiring characters from movies like The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin.  Those enchanting stories where the beautiful teenage princess lands the handsome prince and they run off into their happily ever after.  I assumed that marriage must be similar, and that once I found the perfect guy we would create our own romantic fairy tale ending.  Unfortunately, time and experience have taught me otherwise...

I met my husband in the spring of 2000. I was a junior and he was a senior in high school.  What started out as innocent flirting developed into something much deeper very quickly.  

High School Prom.  May 2000.

Dave and I were vastly different from each other.  Dave was a self-proclaimed atheist, while I grew up a pastor’s kid and accepted Christ for myself at the tender age of five.

Promise Ring.  May 2001.

As our relationship grew, those closest to me began to fear that I would be entering into an unequally yoked union, but in October 2000 Dave gave his own life to Christ.  That moment changed everything and our happily ever after was officially free to begin.

Our Engagement.  February 2014.

In May 2001 Dave romantically placed his mother’s promise ring on my finger.  On Valentine's Day 2004 he proposed, and by November 2004 we were married.

Wedding Day.  November 2004.

As we dated and entered marriage, one thing became extremely obvious.  Happily ever afters are most certainly for fairytales; they do not exist in this real life, sin filled world...

You can continue reading our complete story and discover our top
10 tips to better communication in marriage at


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