
Once again, it's been a long time (too long) since I have updated you, my faithful readers, with all the exciting things that are happening.  I started Far Above Rubies in 2014 as a place to share all the fun ways to save money - couponing, sale shopping, thrifting, how to budget, and tricks to make Disney vacations more affordable.

However, it slowly turned into a platform to share the joys and hurts of my heart - my husband's battle with cancer, my daughter's struggle with anaphylactic allergies, our experiences as foster parents, and our long awaited adoption!  You have been there from the very beginning.  My silent supporters.  My encouragers.  My prayer warriors.  And, from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely thank you!

It is now time for Far Above Rubies to retire.  My sister, Becky, approached me back in October and asked if I would join her in launching a brand new endeavor!  Becky has her own blog, Fitness Grapevine, where she has talked about many of her own life challenges while also using her passion as a Certified Personal Trainer to share awesome tips on health and fitness.

For those of you who do not know us personally, it is important you understand that Becky and I are each other's best and oldest friends.  We feel one another's emotions and share similar views on all important things.  Writing is exciting for both of us and has been part of our lives for many years.  I went to college to study literature while Becky perused a degree in technical writing.  We have different strengths and are thrilled to combine our unique voices to bring you something very special.

So, with that, I want to invite you to join us as we launch Bare Feet & Curls.  A place where you can expect us to be honest and transparent about the many things we have experienced as well as learning new things with (and about) our families as we strive to love fiercely and live deeply.

So, this isn't "goodbye"it's simply "see you soon" over at BFC.  Visit us on our website, check us out on Facebook, follow us on Instagram or e-mail us at barefeetandcurls@gmail.com.  We want to hear from you!


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