Abigail Grace, our beautiful 4 year old princess!

In the spring of 2010 I had a horrible sinus infection which was treated by amoxicillin.  My intestinal track did not respond well to that medication and I ended with Clostridium Difficile Colitis (more commonly known as c-diff) which took months to get under control.  During that time I was teaching kindergarten at Bread of Life Christian Academy and taking care of Isabella, who was still just a baby.  It was exhausting and challenging.

That May, Dave and I made the decision that this would be my final year teaching.  I was going to be able to live my dream as a stay-at-home-mom while working on getting myself physically better.  What we did not anticipate was the surprise that, when Bella was just 10 months old, we were having another baby! It had taken us over a year to get pregnant with Bella.  A year of disappointments and heartache when each month would go by and still no baby.  A year when fertility treatments almost became a reality.  So, when the medication I was taking to help balance my intestinal track said "may counteract birth control" we didn't exactly heed the warning.

While we weren't "ready" to have another baby, God knew what He was doing.  Had we waited until we thought it best to try again it would have been right at the time Dave was diagnosed with cancer (read here to learn more about that) and likely getting pregnant on our own would not have been possible.  

On March 1, 2011 (1 week past her due date) Abigail Grace Wilson was born.  She was perfect weighing in at 7lbs 12oz and 20.5in long with beautiful blue eyes.  

Through the years it has been fun to watch Abbi's personality develop.  From the very beginning her and Bella have had a special relationship.  Sister's turned best friends...

She is spunky with an infections giggle and hilarious sense of humor.

She loves to cuddle, run, play and dance.

She is sensitive and strong; inquisitive and intelligent.

She will let you know her opinion, can be stubborn and strong willed.  However, at the end of the day, she is kind, compassionate and loving.

She was the one who fractured the growth plate in her right knee just before her 1st birthday, was admitted to the Golisano Children's Hospital with an intestinal concern, struggles with food/environmental allergies, has been through more testing than most little ones her age, and has had us running in and out of urgent care and doctors for several other concerning things.  Yet, through it all, she smiles...

She is her daddy's bam-bam and her mama's beanie.  We love her fiercely and pray for her daily!  Our lives are enriched by her and she is a ray of sunshine in our home.  Happy 4th birthday, our sweet princess!!


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